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I wish to change the evidence storage path but can't find any option for the same
asked Dec 28, 2021 in SOL-ERA (2024) by 48210100 Beginner (120 points)
retagged Apr 25 by mrugankj | 6,098 views

2 Answers

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i wish to change the evidence stirage path but can't find any option for the same
answered Jan 4, 2022 by yashmahamuni Beginner (140 points)
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1) Close ERA server
2) Close ERA Browser 
3) Go to the below path
4) Rename the folder of config as "Old_config"
5) Restart the ERA server and ERA Browser 
Then check you can find option for change the evidence storage path

In case of any issue request you to please generate the SOLAR ticket with screenshot of issue.

answered Jan 5, 2022 by swapnilLambhate Guru (23,960 points)
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