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Dear Sir,

We are try to open final exam in ERA but facing the issue, please check below screenshot and guide us.

asked Jan 30 in SOL-ERA (2024) by Priyankak Expert (14,250 points)
retagged Apr 26 by mrugankj | 1,786 views

1 Answer

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Dear Sir/Ma'am,

We've noticed that the learner is having trouble accessing the KLiC Tally Prime Practice Exam. To resolve this, please follow these steps:

Go to the learner dashboard.
Use the mouse to drag down the page.
Look for the "KLiC Certificate in Financial Accounting with Tally ERP 9-October 2023" course.
Click on the "Continue Learning" button for this specific course instead of the Tally Prime Practice Exam.
After trying this, please check if the issue persists. If it does, kindly generate a SOLAR ticket with the following details:

Learner code
Course name
Screenshot of the issue
Make sure your internet connection is stable during the final exam.
answered Jan 30 by swapnilLambhate Guru (23,900 points)
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