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Dear Sir/Madam,

Process-Folio Assignment Submission Issues: Students experienced significant delays (3-4 days) in submitting their Process-Folio assignments.
asked Feb 26 in iLike by swapnilLambhate Guru (25,710 points) | 240 views

1 Answer

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If you are facing delays in submitting your Process-Folio assignment, please follow these steps to ensure a smooth submission process:

  1. Check Your Camera Connection – Ensure that your camera is properly connected and functioning.
  2. Use an Additional Storage Drive – You need at least one or more drives, excluding the C drive, for storing submission files.
  3. Ensure a Stable Internet Connection – A strong and stable internet connection is required for a successful submission.
  4. Free Up Storage Space – Make sure you have at least 20 GB of free space on the selected drive to store the required evidence files.

Following these steps will help you avoid submission delays. If the issue persists, contact support for further assistance.

answered Feb 26 by swapnilLambhate Guru (25,710 points)
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