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Dear Sir, In Mastering typing course we are facing issue with Marathi Keyboard, if you have any solution for this issue please guide us.
asked Feb 11, 2022 in SOL-ERA (2024) by vijayab Advanced (2,820 points)
retagged Apr 25, 2024 by mrugankj | 2,370 views

1 Answer

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1.Go to setting.
2.Click Language and Time.
3.Click on Language option (Left Side)
4.Click Add Language.
5. Search The Marathi language.
6. Select the Marathi Language and Click on Next Button. After that click on install.
7. Click on the Option button.
8.Click On add keyboard.
9.Click On Hindi (India) DEVNAGARI INSCRIPT
10.Select the Marathi Devanagari keyboard from the install language.
11. Do the learner Login and start the typing.
12. If you are using windows 7 then same process need to follow. add the Marathi Devanagari language using control panel         “language and region” option.
Note: Marathi typing keyboard is different than English keyboard. You can refer the following link for more information.

If issue persists, please generate the SOLAR ticket with following details.

Learner Code-(those are facing issue)
Screen shot of the issue-
Detail description.
Updated mobile number.

answered Feb 11, 2022 by Prachi Nale Professional (9,500 points)
edited Jul 28, 2022 by Prachi Nale
I also faced these during making dissertations for my clients of "https://www.dissertationproposal.co.uk/research-topics/mba-research-topics" in USA. But after some time I saw a blog like this and resolved the main issue from which I am suffering.
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