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MS-CIT ALC Mode learners. Since 11th session, they are facing difficulty in submitting and uploading their Processfolio. We would be grateful if you could guide us on this issue.

We look forward to your assistance in this regard.

asked Mar 24, 2023 in SOL-ERA (2024) by swapnilLambhate Guru (25,670 points)
retagged Apr 26, 2024 by mrugankj | 4,108 views

1 Answer

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Please follow the procedures below to resolve this issue:

To change the Evidence Storage Path please follow the steps mentioned below. 

Step1: Go to the below path Path: C:\Users\Administrator\MKCL ERA-Explorer 

Step2: Select the config folder 

Step3: Rename that folder, eg “old_config”

Step 4: Open ERA Browser

Step 5: Now, the browser will ask to select the Drive from local machine for the evidence storage

Step 6: Now, Select any drive except the C: Drive


Before performing any of the modifications listed above, close the ERA server exe and the ERA Browser.

We recommend that the ALC should avoid learning on the Server machine. If the learner wants to learn on server machine, then choose Evidence storage other than the C drive and the content folder drive for learning.

answered Mar 24, 2023 by mrugankj Master (87,450 points)
edited Mar 24, 2023 by mrugankj
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