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Dear Sir/Madam,

Save File: Learners were unclear about where to save their files, leading to difficulties in submitting their work.
asked Feb 26 in iLike by swapnilLambhate Guru (25,710 points) | 151 views

1 Answer

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Dear Sir/Madam,

To avoid confusion while submitting your work, follow this recommended file organization:

  1. Create a Folder in Any Drive – Name it after your course (e.g., "Course_Name").
  2. Organize by Sessions – Inside the course folder, create separate folders for each session (e.g., "Session_1", "Session_2").
  3. Save Assignments by Session Number – Store your assignment files in the respective session folder.

This method makes it easier to locate and submit files, but you can also save them in a location of your choice.

answered Feb 26 by swapnilLambhate Guru (25,710 points)
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