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Dear Sir/Madam,

Students were confused about where to solve assignments (Word, Excel, etc.) and needed clarification.
asked Feb 26 in iLike by swapnilLambhate Guru (25,670 points) | 189 views

1 Answer

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Follow these steps for a smooth process:

  • Do the Learner Login and access the assignment section.

  • Download the Assignment and save it to your system using the nomenclature recommended by MKCL.

  • Read the Instructions Carefully of the assignment to resolve without any error.

  • Return to the TOC (Table of Contents) Page.

  • Start the Assignment – The system will begin recording your screen and facial activity.

  • Complete the assignment (Word, Excel, etc.).

  • Save the Assignment using the specified format mentioned in the assignment instructions (Word, Excel, etc.).

  • Upload the Assignment – Once uploaded, learners will be able to submit it after 5 minutes from that point.


    • Make sure the file size is less than 1 MB.
    • If the assignment exceeds 1 MB, take a screenshot of the assignment in JPEG/JPG format and submit the screenshot.
answered Feb 26 by swapnilLambhate Guru (25,670 points)
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