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You can use server as client or server. for that you need to install era client explorer on server machine. First start Era server .....no need to login...this is bcoz without starting server you can not login on client machine also on server machine. then also start era explorer (client) on sever machine. login any learner by using their id and password. if want to login on server then first logout from era client explorer.

open google chrome type following address in url bar and add it in favorite then again open new tab and again type 2nd address and add it in favorite.

closed with the note: Its not a question
asked Feb 2, 2018 in LF Application by deepak ugale Intermediate (860 points)
closed Feb 2, 2018 by hummingbird | 1,305 views
what happen two persons clicked on down button. plz explain when u dislike any questions...
agree....its not a question but various ALCs are unaware about this.
Oes Client successfuly run on server machine but not run on Client machine
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