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Dear Sir/Ma'am,

We are facing 'Unable to Fetch question' issue in the session end test. Please guide regarding this.

asked Apr 16, 2022 in SOL-ERA (2024) by vijayab Advanced (2,820 points)
retagged Apr 26 by mrugankj | 1,683 views

1 Answer

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Step1:  Check Explorer and server version updated or not. If not, download and install it from the link below.

Installation link- alcera.mkcl.org

Step2: Clear the cache of ERA files (%appdata%) and system temporary files (%temp%)

Step3: Disable Antivirus/firewall.

Step4: Download the respective course content from LF login.

Step5: Change the language from the learner login

Step6: Download the respective course content from LF login or you can download from the following link.

    Link -alcreadiness.mkcl.org

Step7: Download the reference material 

Step8: Steps to download reference material and how to paste it in ERA Imp folder.

Refer the below ERA QA link for the same.

ERA QA link-  http://eraqa.mkcl.org/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=17204598552578631667

Step9: Do the health check from LF login

Step10: Do the learner login, change the language and then start the exam then click on question number 1,2 etc. You will see the question will be displayed.

If issue persists, please generate the SOLAR ticket with following details.

Learner Code-(those are facing issue)
Screen shot of the issue
Detail description.
Updated mobile number.

answered Apr 16, 2022 by Prachi Nale Professional (9,500 points)
edited Jul 28, 2022 by Prachi Nale
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