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प्रश्न open होत नाही आणि हा messege येतोय . हा messege आला कि सर्वे कॉम्पुटर वरती प्रश्न ओपेन होण्यासाठी लोड घेताय.

asked May 8, 2023 in SOL-ERA (2024) by M-Tech Computer Beginner (120 points)
retagged Apr 26 by mrugankj | 1,670 views

1 Answer

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Dear All,

We request you to please download the reference material for the respective course from https://alcreadiness.mkcl.org/ link. Then check this issue will get resolved.

If the issue still persist please generate the SOLAR ticket with below details

1) Learner Code

2) Screenshot of issue

3) Course Name
answered May 9, 2023 by swapnilLambhate Guru (23,900 points)
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