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Dear Sir/Ma'am,

We are currently unable to Activate  the ERA Server on our system. Kindly guide us on resolving this issue.
asked Mar 3 in Mega Batch_2025 by swapnilLambhate Guru (25,670 points) | 202 views

1 Answer

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Dear Sir/Ma'am,

1. Check if the internet connection is working properly.
2. Ensure that the antivirus and Windows firewall are turned off, and uncheck the IPv6 option.
3. Verify that the center has been successfully transferred from SOLAR. Also, check if the approved MAC address in SOLAR matches the server machine's MAC address.

If issue persists, please generate the SOLAR ticket with following details.
Screen shot of the issue-
Detail description.
Updated mobile number.
answered Mar 3 by swapnilLambhate Guru (25,670 points)
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