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Dear Sir/Ma'am,

Could you please guide us on the necessary precautions to take while learning?
asked Mar 3 in Mega Batch_2025 by swapnilLambhate Guru (25,670 points) | 77 views

1 Answer

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Dear Sir/Ma'am,

Please follow the precautions below while using the ERA Browser to ensure a smooth learning experience:

1. Ensure the internet connection is stable.
2. Disable the antivirus and Windows firewall.
3. Verify that the ERA server and client machine are on the same network.
4. Confirm that the learner has been successfully transferred from SOLAR to ERA.
5. Check that the selected Server IP is correct.
6. Ensure the correct Login ID and Password are entered.
7. Clear the browser cache and refresh using the LVRD button.
8. Make sure the camera is properly attached.
9. Uncheck the IPv6 option.
10. Ensure the selected drive has at least 4 GB of free space.
11. Verify that the client machine has a minimum of 4 GB of available RAM.
12. Check that the required course reference material files are available on the server machine.
13. Use the updated browser version from ALC Readiness.
14. Confirm that .NET 3.5 is installed on the client machine.
15. Verify the WMIC status and check the Environment Variables path.
answered Mar 3 by swapnilLambhate Guru (25,670 points)
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